Our Products
We sell and service many products from many manufacturers. Below is a partial list of some of the more popular brands that we deal with. ABUS makes the very popular Buffo and Diskus "puck" style padlocks. They have a nice assortment of rekeyable padlocks that can be matched to a dozen or more other keyways. Abus also makes hasps as well as file cabinet locking bars and other hardware. http://www.abus.com/

American Security Products (AMSEC) based in Fontana CA manufactures and sells a complete line of safes from lower priced imported home/office safes, wall safes, data/media to commercial depository safes and their own high security safes and vaults, some of which are still made in Fontana. We are an AMSEC dealer and have done warranty work for them in our service area. http://www.amsecusa.com

Gardall is another well-known safe manufacturer. They make and sell fire, media, commercial, wall and gun safes. http://www.gardall.com

Kwikset is hugely popular for their residential locksets. We sell and service most Kwikset products and we usually have replacement cylinders, spindles, latches and other parts on the truck to repair or upgrade your current kwikset locks. Be advised that the new Kwikset "SmartKey" lock cylinders cannot be picked in a reasonable amount of time (they are considered pick-proof by many lockmsiths) so if you lose all the keys to one of these locks, it may have to be drilled-open and replaced. http://www.kwikset.com

Schlage is another prolific lock company. Originally big in high-end residential, they are more like Kwikset now when it comes to their residential locks market share. But they still make and sell a ton of commecial (Grade 1 and 2) products. We sell and service just about anything that Schlage makes too. http://www.schlage.com

Sentry imports, makes and sells a variety of home and office security products, most of which are highly fire resistant but not always the best choice if you need better-then-average security. We don't sell any Sentry products, but we do service a lot of them. http://www.sentrysafe.com

Medeco (Medeco - ASSA - Abloy) is a well-known maker of high security locks and
restricted keyways. We do sell some of the low-end Medeco products, but mostly our
involvement is to open something when the keys are lost. This almost always involves drilling and replacing the lock cylinder as in many situations the ability to
generate new keys is gone because the customer failed to retain the ID card that came with the lock system. Without that nobody can make keys for a restricted
Medeco lock. ASSA locks (now part of the Medeco family) is another high security lock system but it doesn't require the investment in tools and pin kits that Medeco locks do. We sell and service ASSA locks as well. http://www.medeco.com

S&G (Sargent & Greenleaf) is one of the oldest safe lock companies in the world. We sell and service all models of S&G combination locks including the new electronic and biometric locks used on today's safes. http://www.sargentandgreenleaf.com

Adams-Rite, AIPhone, Altronix, American Lock, Alarm Lock, Arrow, Best, Camden Door Controls, CCL, Chicago, Corbin-Russwin, Comp-X (Fort & National), Detex, Dorma, Emtek, Falcon, Folger-Adams, Monarch, GE Security, Glynn-Johnson, Hager, Hanchett Entry Systems (HES), Hudson, IEI, Ives (Schlage), Jackson, Kaba-Mas, Simplex, KSP, K2, Marks, Master, MIWA, Norton, Olympus, Pemko, Permavault, Presto, Peeko, RCI, Rixson, Sargent Lock, SecuraKey, Securitron, Trine, Von Duprin, Weiser, Wright Products and Yale is a more complete list of what we sell and service...